Welcome to the AA-Gainesville Group!

At Alcoholics Anonymous Gainesville we are here to help you understand if AA might be an answer for you. We are not here to sell you anything or convince you that you need to go to AA. Here are some simple questions for you:

How do I know if Alcoholics Anonymous is for me?

Is your drinking causing you problems or is it causing problems for people that are close to you?

Have you been sentenced by the courts to go to AA meetings?

Are you being pressured by a loved one or employer to do something about your drinking?

Does your life revolve around when you will get your next drink?

Do you find yourself saying: “I can quit any time I want to, I just don’t want to” or “The only person I am hurting is myself?”

If when you honestly want to can you quit entirely or if when drinking can you control the amount you drink?

Have you ever made promises to stop and found that you could not keep them?

If the answer is yes, to any of them, we may have a solution.

AA-Gainesville is a group of recovered alcoholics having one purpose which is to help others recover from alcoholism.

We simply want to help you understand if you are suffering from alcoholism and if AA might be a solution to your problem.

If you want to keep drinking, that is your business. If you want to stop, that is ours.

What do I do to find out more?

You could do a bunch of online research, get some paid counseling, talk to your pastor, or consult your trusted confidants. But we found it useful to speak to someone who had walked a mile in our shoes, who successfully sobered up, and who navigated through the same problems that we were experiencing.

Here are some other options you could try:

We understand, we don’t judge, we won’t tell anybody.

It’s a difficult road to travel. Alcohol was the only friend most of us had in the last days of our drinking. We never thought we could live without it. It was terrifying to think that we had to go to A.A. for help. We understand how you feel, we have been there. Anything you share with us will remain with us. Again, all we want is for you to have the same chance to change your life that was offered to us.